Blessed Sacrament Church 100th year banner

Mass Times


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 Loving Christ, Loving Others

We are a diverse gathering of God's people who strive to live our Roman Catholic faith to the fullest by worshipping reverently, ministering to all, and warmly welcoming all to the table. Our goal is to be the best Christians we can by tithing, singing, and being witnesses to the greatest sacrifice ever. We aim to serve our neighbors with a special focus on our children and the community within which we live and work. We freely share our cultural gifts as well as our spirit with all. WE open our doors to all while recognizing the gifts that God has graced us with and are willing to share those gifts. We try to walk as a unified community that triumphantly faces all obstacles of our earthly existence while keeping our eyes on eternal salvation.

About Us

We warmly welcome all who come to our community. Please register with the office so that we can get to know you better. You may call the parish office or pick up a preliminary registration slip in front of the church and drop it in the offertory basket. Thank you!

Le damos una bienvenida muy amable a todos los que vienen a nuestra comunidad. Por Favor registrese con nuestra oficina para asi poderle conocer mejor. Usted puede llamar a nuestra oficina. Gracias.

Pastoral Care of the Sick and The Homebound

Please contact the Parish office if you know of a parishioner who is in the hospital, nursing home or is homebound and would like to receive communion and or a visit from a priest. Due to new hospital procedures, patient information is strictly regulated.

Saturday Vigil:

4:00pm Spanish, 5:30pm English

Sunday Mass Schedule


*10:00 AM (ESPAÑOL)

*11:30 AM (ENGLISH)

*in person & Facebook live stream

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